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US Workers Social fund whose spending is stricltly controled by the La Base constitution


Bright Learning Stars

Bright Learning Stars - May 1, 2019 (2885 refinanced)

Loan to support the expansion of Bright Learning Stars into a new location

New York, United States
May 1, 2019
US $18,200.00

Occupy Wall Street Screenprinters

Line of Credit to cover the coast of raw material for the co-op

This investment is a credit line for raw materials including t-shirt, ink, and emulsion.

New York, United States
June 11, 2013
US $400.00

Radix Media

Line of Credit to cover supplies for incoming orders

Line of credit to purchase supplies for incoming orders

New York, United States
November 22, 2011
US $3,600.00

Si Se Puede

Loan to cover all the cost Production cost for Si Se Puede a cleaning co-op based in NYC

Production materials for the cooperative's green cleaning products.

New York, United States
April 6, 2012
US $1,500.00

Bright Learning Stars

Bridge Loan for Operating Expense

Business is looking for a loan to cover operating expense for the month of June

New York, United States
July 13, 2018
US $4,900.00